I've had a few issues in the past few weeks that have just made me feel like slapping the hell out of somebody just to make myself feel better. I have had issues with Dating/Relationships, My Job, My Best Friend, and My Health.
As many of you may have guessed, I am/was still seeing VP. I just couldn't get him out of my mind. And on top of that, he told me that he didn't want to end our situation and that he really did love me. Which I believed. After about 2 weeks of calls and seeing each other, he reverted back to his old unreliable self. Yesterday he was deleted from my phone. Now I just need to delete him from my heart and mind.
My Job:
In February,
I wrote that my old boss called me about coming back to my old job. I declined because the offered me 4 grand less per year than I asked for. Well, last Friday on my present job, I didn't get a paycheck. Why? Because I didn't work any days in that pay period. This has happened twice so far this year. And it happened 3 times last summer. Now what I want you all to do is imagine missing a paycheck and having to take your last $1000 out of your saving account to cover bills. I started thinking about the fact that since I have been with the job, I have not been able to save any money.
Well, it doesn't matter anymore because I am going back to my old company with a yearly salary. They upped their offer by $2000 in order to get me back. Honestly, the first offer would have been fine, but I now I am glad that I held out. One thing that I have learned from this experience is to be careful not to burn bridges.
My Best Friend:
Beatmug and I are not speaking right now. He really pissed me off on Friday night. Really and Truly pissed me off! Last week, he said that he was coming to Atlanta to visit me, to which he arrived on Friday evening. Each time that he comes to Atlanta,
Goofy is always sure to show up also right behind him. They come to Atlanta and stay at my house so much that I gave them keys. There have even been times that they have been there when I was not in town. That's all fine and dandy. As long as they keep my house clean because they know that I will snap if ANYTHING is out of place.
Now to why I am not speaking to Beatmug. Friday night, me him and Goofy went to Tower II, a gay club in Atlanta, GA. We were standing around chillin, talking, and drinking. Goofy points out some cute dude that "standing next to his fat friend." I then said "that could be me since I am cute and Beatmug is the fat friend." Apparently Beatmug got upset and screams "I could talk about your bad ass skin, but I won't." I asked him what the fuck was his muthafucking problem. At that moment, I was baffled because we always call each other fat or skinny or stupid or a whole bunch of other shit. It's all in fun. Any other time I would call him fat, he would say " the only fat part of my is my ass." But this time he got upset and snapped at me. But I let it go.
Later on during the night, I kept noticing that they were having conversations to which I was not privy to. All of a sudden they started laughing really loudly about something. I asked, "what's so funny? I didn't hear a joke." To which Goofy screams (in front of everybody) "because you were not apart of the conversation!" I looked at Beatmug, and he had a look of agreement on his face. I was embarrassed and ready to go! The only problem was that I didn't drive as I usually do so had to wait on Beatmug to be ready to go ( I should have taken a cab).
By the time, we were leaving, my allergies started acting up again. I started sneezing and got the worst sinus headache. I really needed to go home and take my medicine. I let Beatmug know this, but do you think that took me home? No! He drove to another club so that he and Goofy could stand outside and mingle in the crowd. I was so mad that I didn't get out of the car. I just sat in the car holding my head. After 45 minutes of them hoeing, we finally left.
When I got home, I didn't say shit to the bitches. I just went to my room and slammed the door. I started thinking about all the times that we have gone out together. It never occured to me that they always have their own conversations. It also never occured to me that each time they go out to eat or to a party or to the mall or anywhere, I am not a part of the planning. It's always, "do you want to go with US?" Then I thought about the fact that since I moved back to Atlanta last June, they have visited ATLANTA, not me, at least 18 times that I can count. The bitches are there AT LEAST twice a month. I thought about the fact that before I moved back to Atlanta they were always staying with another friend until he got tired of them. But there is nothing else to think about because I took my keys back from the hoes! I will not be used as a free hotel anymore.
And after thinking about the my friendship with Beatmug, I don't know if I truly want it to continue. I have to think some more about that.
My Health:
Me+Pollen=Allergy problems and headaches. When I got off of the plane from Canada on last Tuesday and got to my car I knew that I would have a problem. It was covered in pollen. If I could stop breathing during the spring, I would. I had a headached before I even got home. I went to the doctor on Thursday and was prescribed Flonase.
I have also been diagnosed (again) with hypertension. My average blood pressure is 161/88. The other day when I took a measurement, it was 170/102. For this, I was prescribed Zestril. Let's just hope that it works. I do not want to have a stroke.
For about 6 years, I have been having panic attacks on and off. There was a period right before I was about to graduate from college where I was having at least 2 per week. I hadn't had one in about 2 years until 2 weeks ago when I was on an airplane. And that is the last place that you want to have a panic attack. For this I was prescribed Xanax. So, now I feel like Karen Walker from Will and Grace with all of these medicines. All I need is a fat husband, lots of money, and some vodka.
So that's been my life for the past few weeks. So now, you all can rest easy that I am alive and well. Expect more post soon.