Ludacris featuring Nate Dogg"I've got hoes, I've got hoes,in different area codes(area, area, hoes, in different area codes(area, area"
I don't remember if I have ever stated on this blog, but I travel extensively for my job as a software implementation specialist. I have been to about 32 of the 50 states and to Canada twice. My most recent trip took me to Anchorage and Juneau, Alaska where I fell in love with the state. I am now in the city of Anaheim just south of Los Angeles where I was graced to hang out with the famous
Trent Jackson. Let me just say that the brotha is cooler than a Chicago niggas nuts.
But back to the point of this post. Since I 1.) am a homosexual and 2.) travel frequently, people assume that I have sex with men all over the country. This could not be further from the truth. Now don't get me wrong, I love sex like I love sex, but I refuse to leave bits and pieces of me all over the country. I ain't no hoe. Now with that being said, in the 3.5 years that I have been doing this job, I have only hooked up with 3 brothas during all of this time. And I know that if I don't tell you about those three brothas, you are gonna ask. So you wanna hear it, here is goes.
I started this job in August of 2002, the 17th to be exact. And my first trip happened to be to St. Louis and also happened to be unevenful except for the trip inside
The GateWay Arch . Now that second trip happened to be to a city that I had always wanted to go to, but never had a chance. That city happened to be Chicago, Illinois, so you know who the subject of this story is.I met Chicago at the
Prop House ( my second favorite club in Chicago). The club was closing and my boy Simba and I were walking to the car when I saw him. We chatted for a minute and exchanged phone numbers with the intent to hook up and go out on a date the next day. We ended up doing just that where we went to a movie and to
Giordano's Pizza for lunch. He was the perfect gentleman and gave me a tour of the city. After our date was over, he dropped me off and didn't ask to come up to my room as most men would have done.The next day, we went on another tour of the city and again to eat, but this time he did come up to my room and we talked and watched TV, but nothing sexual happened. I really did want to jump on him, but didn't want to seem like a hoe. Did I mention that I was already starting to fall in love with him?
The next day, he had to work, but around 10am he called me and told me that he was on his way to the hotel to see me. When he got there, we ordered something to eat and watch Venus Williams whoop somebody's ass in a tennis match. I noticed him inching closer to me on the bed, so I asked him if he wanted to kiss me. He did and it led to some hot, sweaty black on black, man on man, sex. I had to tell him how good it was, and he told me it was because he had been holding out on sex. He hadn't had sex in 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The next day he took me to the airport and I cried when I got out of the car. I had fallen in love in 5 days. The relationship lasted a year.
My next sexcapade occured while traveling occured in Boston in December of 2003. I was on yahoo messenger and a brotha hit me up out of the blue. I really thought that it was a coincidence that he was in Boston where I was headed. We chatted for like an hour talking about general things. He told me that he was 23, 6'8", and played basketball for his college. So we agreed to meet when I got to town. The night that I got there I called the brotha and we talked for a minute and he asked me to come over to see him when he finished with practice. So, I hopped in a cab and headed over. I was really excited about meeting this dude because I hadn't seen a picture of him and had no idea what he looked like.When I got to the destination, I realized that he stayed in an apartment, but it was on campus. But that was cool because his roommate was gone for winter break. That night, we just sat, talked, and watched Adult Swim on the cartoon network. Before I noticed, it was 3am and we were still awake. I was gonna leave, but I didn't feel like attempting to catch a cab at 3am, so I stayed the night. Yes, we did fool around a little but there was no actual sex. But the boy knew what to do with some chocolate syrup! I left about 7 that morning so that I could make it to work by 9am. I was a tired ass trying to teach a training class that day.
The next day he came over to my hotel and then we went on a walk around Downtown Boston holding hands. We got some strange looks, but nobody said anything (probably because he was so damn tall that he looked like he would whoop some ass). Because it was so cold, we came back to the hotel to warm up. And warm up we did! When we got naked, he pulled out one of the biggest dicks that I had seen in a while. He asked me if I was gonna give him some booty and I agreed only if he did the same for me. He agreed and we got down and dirty. I must admit that it felt like WHOA! I know that people in other rooms had to have heard me speaking in tongues. When that part was over, I went to get him and he got all hesitant like he didn't want to give me mine. I ain't one to bed so I settled for some head because I was tired anyway. He was also good at that. After our session, we ordered some food from room service and watched television till we fell asleep. When we got up the next morning, we took a shower together. I thought that it was funny that he couldn't stand all of the way up in the shower because of his height. After the shower we both got dressed, me for work, and him for class.
After I left Boston, we continued to talk on the phone for a few days. He then told me something that just didn't sit well with me. He told me that he was really 19 years old and not 23. I was a little more than pissed for 2 reasons. One was that he lied to me and the second was that I felt like I had robbed the cradle. Needless to say, we didn't talk anymore. Besides, I was not trying to get into a long-distance sitation again.
The third time that I gave up the goods on the road occured in Philadelphia in December of 2004. I was working at a hotel there and found myself horny like a mutha one night. So, I jumped online and within an hour, WSIEH was on his way over. By the way WSIEH stands for WORST SEX I EVER HAD. When he got there, I realized that he was a lot big bigger than he said he was, but I ain't one to discriminate against the big boys. We talked for a minute and then he just asked me in mid-convo if I wanted to have sex. I was already horny, so we jumped right into it. I can't explain how boring he was. It was like he was inexperienced and didn't know what he was doing. At first he couldn't put the spoon in the bowl (I have no idea why). When he started moving back and forth I assumed that he had succeeded in getting it in. I felt NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING. After about 2 minutes, I told him to stop cause I just wasn't getting anything out of it ( I didn't give a reason, I just told him to stop). He asked if I wanted to do, him, but I wasn't even in the mood. If his dick gave me no feeling, then neither would his ass. He then got up and put his clothes on. We said our goodbye's and he left. I never talked to him again. I could tell that his feelings were hurt, but I really didn't have a reason to care.
So those my dear readers are the only 3 times that I have had sex while traveling. I don't do it anymore because I am focusing on establishing a relationship with one person now. It just wouldn't seem right to be f-cking all over the continent.