Update 5/30/07

2. CC and I are doing quite fine. I'm still in that "i'm still not sure" stage, but then again, shit takes time and I have explained that to him. He mentioned "relationship" the other day and it prompted the "slow down" talk that I always seem to have to have with brothas. Why do brothas want to rush?
3. I finally moved out of the apartment complex from Hell. I found an 1800 sq. ft. 3br 3ba with a garage for $1150 *try to find that in NYC, Chicago or any other large city*. I have 2 roommates, but then again, I travel for work, so it's not a big deal for me. And I love the area where I live because everything I need is within a mile away!!!!!!
5. I broke my phone *I don't even know how* 3 days after purchasing it. All I know is that I had it in my pocket and when I took it out, the screen was cracked on the inside. But I was able to order another one and everything is all good. Now I have to wear that damn holster on my hip. I hate that shit, but I love my phone.
6. I spent $300 on gas last month. Mind you that I don't have a commute like most people. Enough said!!!!!!
7. The company that I was working for went bankrupt and terminated all employees except the accounting department on April 25th. Luckily the contract company (Hilton Hotels) was able to find another company that hired us April 25th. Now I am in the process of suing the old company for violating the WARN Act of 1988. Those bastards laid us off without the required 60 day notice and now they owe us 60 days pay plus benefits. But at least I got to keep my laptop for free.
8. I went to a party with CC last weekend and 3 dudes tried to holla at me. All 3 of them were sexy as hell, but I am not trying to complicate my life by dating multiple dudes. But my question is this: where the hell were these muthafuckas when I was single? It seems like brothas are only attracted to you when you start seeing someone. But it did boost my ego, especially since I hadn't had a haircut and wasn't looking my best.
9. I've had my car for 2 years now and I still love it!!! I'm getting my windows tinted next month *gotta put it in the budget*. I think that's all i'm going to do with it, even though I still want some 19" rims on it. I think i'll keep it 2 more years and then get the next generation Maxima!!
10. I fixed my dryer today by changing out the cord. I was about to call a repairman, but I figured "I can do this on my own". The cord was $15 and it only took 15 minutes. It felt good to brush up on my "Man Skills". I think that a lot of gay men feel that they don't need to know how to do certain things such as changing a flat tire or making simple repairs. They need to get with the program.
Labels: Update
3 - I'm so jealous. I'm paying way more for a damn 2 bdrm.
4 - I just started back last week. (Gotta get ready for San Juan)
6 - I'm prepared to spend that much the week I'll be in Chi.
7 - Get their asses.
8 - That's ALWAYS the case. It's the DEVIL!!! LOL
10 - Teach me how to change a flat.
I bet you are cute fixin shit. Baby hasn't momma taught you the basics on how to handle ya gadget? Never keep your gadget (phone) in your pocket. Pressure, even the smallest amount will crack/bust/bleed the screen. Glad you got a new one though.
I miss you. We don't talk no more...you always so damn busy.
When we gon meet for koolaid?
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I understand the warning act, that you mentioned, but do you really expect money, if the company went bankrupt? Does this new job, mean that you won't be traveling as much anymore?Do you wish that, you had taken that job, you were offered a little while back?
$1150, that great, for that square footage. And you slpit that 3 ways, amazing. But who gets the garage, out of 3 roommates?
I see your $300 and raise you another $175...yes my grand total is $475 dollars in gas, and that;s just what I put on my credit card. It gives me a total of what I spend alone in gas, verse the other things I charge.
I thought you and CC was taking a break, because... well because your not a total bottom and he is a total top.
Is that what I have to do, to get the guys I want...Get a boyfriend first, then they wil push up on me. I say why not have a little cake and eat it too. I'm not saying have whole cake, and go for all three of the men who was trying to holla, butone wouldn't hurt would it?
I was taught how to do a lot of things around the house, but I have to admit, fixing a tire is not in my box.
I really need to get me one of those navigation systems, myself?
$1150 that's a steal, finding something like that in DC is impossible.
After you said "$300 on gas last month", I was done! LOL!!
Sounds like things are falling into place. GREAT!!!
I am so glad that you able to land on your feet even though you were laid off. Also, good luck with going after that 60 day pay.
You scored a laptop? NICE.
Also, I hear you on having to know how to do basic things. I often think I am going to forget.
Nice sized pad. Umm... which two of you get to park in the garage?
Dude, you gotta be kidding about fixin' your own stuff when you could have some hot repairman type come over to do it! *winks*
Bet that navigation system works far better than map quest anyday. No getting lost anymore.
Pleased to hear that you are covering much ground with your beau CC.
The apartment is fabulous so large and the rent is right, I have one bedroom and one and a half bath condo (rented) @ 1300.00 a month and this is Madison, you are right Chicago or New York would be far more expensive. San Fran is even higher.
Glad to hear somebody is going to the gym, can yall motivate a brotha like me to hit the gym again or at least the weight/workout room in my building.
Sorry to hear that you broke your phone, but pleased you were able to get it replaced.
Gas prices are outrageous to say the least.
OMG the employer went under and gave you guys no notice and fucked you out of benefits and pay. That is right sue or at least file paperwork chances are there is not enough monies to cover lawsuits. I have had that to happen and I was jacked up for sure.
It is always that way, nobody wants you until you are with someone else. The flirting is fun.
Very nice car and sharp in appearance.
The man skills kicked in for ya.
You're sooo right about that apartment thing. Ain't NOTHING gonna beat what you got. Congrats on that!
Lol @ Blaq
But That Dude Right There congrats on the new spot. I hope you got a guess room for me lol. Oh i like my pillows extra fluffy with down feathers not that cotton bullshit lol
Lol @ Blaq
But That Dude Right There congrats on the new spot. I hope you got a guess room for me lol. Oh i like my pillows extra fluffy with down feathers not that cotton bullshit lol
Remember me when that fat check comes in from the lawsuit. You should be able to take all your blogger friends out to dinner.
i think i passed out for a minute at 2 roommates... aint no way in hell!!!
and 300 for gas... one thing i dont miss about ATL is all that damn driving.
I put $300 worth of gas in my tank too...messy. Also 200 lbs is nothing for you bcuz youre tall (and fine) lmao
That number 8 is a killa! Ol dude pushed up on me on Sunday after tellin him I had a dude! And he was only feet away! talk about boldness! lol
Nice car.
Sometimes it is nice to brush up on your "man skills"... Oh wait, you meant rolling up your sleeves. lol
Congrats on the new apartment, babe. You're def making out MUCH better than if you lived here. A spread like that would run you at least $3-4K here.
^^That's me, btw. I was still logged into my amerikas.muse account.
Good to know you're doing well amour
Congrats on the new place!! The PNU is the best invention for travelers in a long time. Hell I use it for the fun of it. 300 is all, wow, I'm jealous. LOL!! Actually for you single men just take a friend and pretend the two of you are dating. It works. Yeah knowing how to do those small things save you a lot of money. At least I save a lot.
I miss you! Come back to us!
1. My boyfriend has one of those. We both love that damn thing..
4. I haven't weighed myself in years...and I'm afriad too
8. I know how that is. Me and SB had a talk about flirting last night. But it's weird, they just come out of the woodworks, tempting dudes n shit...
10. As soft as I can be, I try to do everything. I put together all my furniture, electronics everything...daddy made sure of that.
Everything sounds like it's falling into place nicely for you. Congrats.
1) I love the Garmin I got a few months ago myself. Those things are so handy. I love confusing it as well when driving through unfamiliar locations. The poor thing gets so confused.
2) Heh...I'm glad things are progressing with CC. Definitely take your time.
3) That layout for the new apartment looked quite nice. I won't even try to look for such a bargain in Chicago...not that I have two roommates I'd want to move in with.
4) You'll get back on track. One thing about exercise is the minute you step off, things seem to get wack. But once out start, the body is forgiving...besides you're still young..:-)
5) Sorry about the phone but glad you got a new one.
6) Ewww...I don't even wanna know how much I'm spending on gas...I think it's close to $250.
7) Work that shit out..:-)
8) Oh my god...it's hilarious how guys come out of the woodwork when you're in a relationship. Maybe they sense the difference with guys in relationships.
9) Maybe I should get tints on my ride. I think that would make it real fly.
10) Heh...I don't know why I thought that pciture was birth control pills. But you're right about those "man skills". I still feel pumped from changing my sister's tires a few years back. And recently fixing the other toilet issue on my own. I saved a few dollars in the process.
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