This is just something that makes me think about race in a whole different way. Here are 2 articles about Joshua Packwood, who on the 18th of May will become the first white valedictorian of Morehouse College in Atlanta.
Please take a moment to read the articles
here and
Labels: Race
Okay, I've made my opinions on certain racial things in the past clear. I was raised in a family that grew up in southern virginia, during intergration. So most things are taken to that race card quickly. I was pissed off when I first read this post. I felt that danm we truley don't have anything for ourselves left.
However after reading the actual articles,I'm not mad at this guy. The fact that his step-father is black, and that he grew up in a majority black neighborhood. If he feels more at ease with blacks, then good for him. How he gave up a scholarship to an ivy league school to go to Moorehouse. I have so me respect for him. I can see that it could be hard for him. Like when the black guy asked him why was he here, when he first got there, and now says that he is cool with him an dunderstands him and his mission now, but then turns around as says, but I wish he did it at nother school....made me laugh. The other guy's name was Muhammad...I won't say anymore on that, if you get my drift.
I'm not mad ethat he is a white guy who went to a prestigous black college, Nor am I made that he earned valedictorian. What I'm mad at, is that 3,000 other black men, let him become valedictorian over them, in this school. Why didn't they rise to the challenge? What does this say about us? That we potentially might have our first black president, but we are not rising to the challenge in schools that was created to make us rise to the outside worlds challenge.
Anyway good for him.
Hmmmmmmmmmm I don't know how to approach this. I'm not mad that he went to the school. I'm not mad that he earned the right to be valedictorian. I'm not mad that 3,000 other individuals didn't make it over him. I'm not mad. I mean let's put a couple things out there...
1) For all the talk of race in this society, life is life whether you're black, white or otherwise. For all we know it could've been a situation where he had a 4.02 and the other dude had a 4.0 (and yes some colleges do carry it out depending on the weight of the courses...strange but true)
2) Not for nothing but if he earned it and they denied him the honor to be valedictorian, would he not have cause to scream racism?
Iono yo but like I said I'm not mad at all. I just hope that when I am at NYU studying Law no white student asks why am I there...
I'm not believing what I am reading. Let me just put my comment in.
I am not going to hate on dude. He is not a wannabe trying to make a statement. He is a man who grew up around AAs, comfortable with AAs, chose a predominantly black school instead of ivy league school, became valedictorian of the school over the other males, probably endured his own racism from both sides, dates minority women, etc. I am happy for him and will be the first to say congrats. He beat out the other guys fair and square. I went to a predominately white grad school and was number two in my program. What would be said about me beating out other students, mostly white? Should they feel like they are dumb because I beat them?
We need to get past this. We are too educated for reverse discrimination. He made history. I say do the damn thing.
Big deal... all I want is for educational funding all over the U.S. to be more equal, eliminating financial segregation in public schools so kids can have an equal chance to attend colleges and universities so they can excel.
Besides, I don't care for black colleges and universities either. They're a waste of time.
I say congratulations! If the student worked hard and did the work, while performing better than the rest of the graduating class, why not? Maybe you all shoulda got ya grades up! lol
I agree. I can't be too mad at dude either. He did the time and was able to rise to the occasion.
youngblack&dl- when you get to my level, then you'll understand what I'm talking about.
captain- what level is that?
Uh oh, I sense another blog fight starting...
I give the man uber props. He flipped the script on stereotypes. The pursuit of happiness applies to anyone of any race that succeeds because of their own hard work.
I'm sure he endured prejudice and racism like so many AAs have. And he stuck in there to make the best happen for himself.
i don't know how i feel about this honestly.
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